You Can Finally Reset Your Instagram Algorithm

The modern internet is ruled by algorithms. When you boot up Instagram, for example, what you see in your feed is strategically sorted by the app's AI based on your past activity to keep you engaged as long as possible. If Instagram showed you a bunch of random posts you had no interest in, you'd likely leave immediately. But when each photo or video is something that piques your curiosity, well, that's how a social media addiction is born.
That said, sometimes, our algorithm goes a little haywire. Perhaps you had a passing interest in a creator or subject, but now it's all over your feed. Maybe an accidental "like" or share mistakenly taught the algorithm you're a fan of something you really are not, and now you're subjected to the topic with every other post (and advertisement, for that matter).
In the past, you really had two options: tell Instagram you didn't want to see these types of posts and actively seek out other types of content, or start fresh with a new account, and take care not to anger the algorithmic gods. Now, however, things are about to change: Instagram is going to let you reset your algorithm.
Meta announced the changes in a blog post on Tuesday: The company is currently testing the ability for users to reset their "recommendations" (essentially a PR-friendly word for algorithm). Once cleared, you will find posts on your Explore page, Reels tab, and your main feed that you likely wouldn't have encountered before, and you'll probably miss out on posts you would have seen under your previous algorithm.
That said, the algorithm is still active, which means it'll learn your habits over time and begin showing you personalized content based on your activity and pages you follow. If you're careful about the posts you like and share, and the pages you follow, this algorithm might turn out better than the old one.
How to reset your Instagram algorithm
Once the option rolls out on your end, you'll find it in your Instagram settings. Open the app, tap your profile, then tap the hamburger menu in the top right. Scroll down and tap Content preferences under "What you see," then tap the new Reset suggested content option.
Here, Instagram will warn you that your reset cannot be undone, and you'll see posts you wouldn't normally see. As an added deterrent, Instagram will suggest that you unfollow certain accounts instead of reseting your recommendations altogether.
However, if you're set on resetting, choose Reset suggested content, then hit the option again on the pop-up. Instagram will return you to your main feed, with a subtle alert confirming your suggested content was reset.
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